.. _contribute: Contributing ============ There are three parts of the project you can contribute to, but only two of them require at least some programming skills (mainly in Python). Each part, however, requires a fully functional KrySA application. .. |suite| replace:: Test Suite .. _suite: https://github.com/KeyWeeUsr/KrySA/tests Documentation ------------- .. |rst| replace:: reStructuredText .. _rst: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html .. |format| replace:: (max 79 characters in a single line) As the project is still in the beginning, there's a lot of things to document and to make screenshots of. If you have KrySA already installed, there's a ``docs`` folder that contains the documentation. The documentation is written in |rst|_ which you can test either in some online editor (referencing files won't work, obviously) or localy if you have already installed Python. KrySA uses `Sphinx `_ for converting |rst| to a html website. First install requirements from the ``.txt`` file. :: pip install -r docs-requirements.txt To build the documentation use these commands in the ``docs`` folder:: make clean && make html .. note:: Extend the command with another ``&&`` to e.g. automatically open a browser with fresh ``index.html`` file. Please don't break the formatting |format| and fix the errors if any jumps out in Sphinx build. Statistics ---------- Hypotesis testing, factor analysis, averages, whatever part of statistics you think a user could find useful you can do two things: #. Feature request Open an issue in the GitHub repository describing the feature and its use case. #. Pull request Read the code, find out how it works and make a pull request to the GitHub repository with code that doesn't break the |suite|_ together with an example of how the new feature works. Application ----------- .. |kut| replace:: KivyUnitTest .. _kut: https://github.com/KeyWeeUsr/KivyUnitTest .. |pep8| replace:: PEP8 style .. _pep8: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8 If you think the application might find your feature useful or that some behavior needs a fix, you are welcome to make a pull request. Before each pull make sure it is written in Python's |pep8|_ and that it doesn't break the |suite|_. |kut|_ makes running the tests easier.