
This is the most important part of KrySA, it is the way of manipulating Data values and reporting the result. Tasks are categorized by its purpose and/or complexity into different groups e.g. Basic.

Using a Task

Each Task needs values which it can use, otherwise it won’t run. When the values are present, each column has an address starting with A for the first column. To select more than a single value, use : character (e.g. B1:AB2):

. A B C ... AA AB AC ... ZZ...
1 x x x x x        
2 x x x x x        

After the values are selected, pres Run. Depending on the Task, it can create new Data or a page in the Results panel.

Create a Task


It’s good to peek in tasks.Task.

KrySA uses Python for Task s. Each task according to its category(file) begins with a function named like this:

def <category>_<task>(*args):

This function sets the layout that is put into the Task popup, sets a function that is called when user selects some options in the popup and opens it. The Task s layout contains an option to select which Data will be used in the following task, but you have to handle user’s input of the address(A1:B2).

def <category>_<task>(*args):
    widget = SomeLayout()
    task = Task(title='Title', wdg=widget,
                call=['Title', <category>_<task>])
    task.run = partial(<called function>,
                       <widget containing address>)

It’s necessary to put into Task() the layout and a link to itself. Layout then can be accessed in the called function directly from arguments and the link is used to append the used Task to list of Recent Tasks.

Then it’s necessary to write the <called function> and handle its inputs. Each Task must have some kind of output - new Data, modified Data or a page in the Results:

def <called_function>(task, address, *args):

Each <called function> takes at least two arguments task and address, where task is an instance of the main popup (so that you can access the chosen Data) and address is the widget with some kind of string property.

To get the values from user’s input use the function task.from_address(), which is basically Body.from_address() accessed from within Task. The function takes two arguments - index of Data (returned in task.tablenum property) and string of address.

values = task.from_address(task.tablenum, address.text)

Values are returned as a simple list of everything selected no matter what the type it is. Example:

values = [0, 1.0, u'hi']
>>> u'hi'

When you are finished, output the values e.g. into Results with task.set_page:

task.set_page('Count', str(len(values)), 'text')

Final functions would look like this:

def basic_count(*args):
    widget = CountLayout()
    task = Task(title='Count', wdg=widget,
                call=['Count', basic_count])
    task.run = partial(_basic_count,

def _basic_count(task, address, *args):
    values = task.from_address(task.tablenum, address.text)
    task.set_page('Count', str(len(values)), 'text')